AntiBimmer said:
I agree with you there is rice in every type of car category. Im not trying to argue here, merely put my point of view out there. The thing is...the fake to be fast thing..I get shit about my car because im going all go..well at least right now im just concerned with cosmetic...but It pisses me off that you cant look good without putting muscle behind it. You cant just make a car look good you know what i mean?
Oh there is a difference between a lifestyle and an unhealthy habit. I agree with you. Thank you for being mature and actually discussing my point with me. I assumed that the first response I was going to get was "go away ricer" or some dumb shit. Thanks.
Although you did make a hypocritical statement
"...just because you have a nice car doesnt mean that you have any right to diss on other peoples cars..."
when your name IS antibimmer...
But the thing most people do not like about ricers is the attitude. You seem to be atleast semi-intelligent (all i can tell from only 2 posts) so I think you can probably understand. It's not really the look of the cars, the sound, or the power that people were against in the first place. It was the attitude that "Ricers" think their cars are faster, better, and nicer than others. It's the stories that the ricers make up (ie a civic owner who claims to beat a corvette/comaro/etc.). If you'll notice not everyone on this forum spends 40,000 on the car. I will be spending about 5,000 - 6,000 dollars when I go to buy a BMW. I KNOW the ricers at school will say something stupid like "Do you think you're rich?" or something like that -- when they spent that much for their car, and even more spent on mods to make it "faster" when really it only a little faster.
Someone who can turn a car that is normally slower (ie civic or something along those lines) and make it fast (Fast for REAL) then I would give them a thumbs up becuase they obvsiously know what they are doing. The comment that buying a car that is already fast is true SOMEWHAT, becuase like I said, I plan on spending around 5 - 6,000 for an early e36 325is...which will be faster than the 10,000 dollar civics around here. That would be fine and whatever, but the attitude that they think their car is faster is an ignorant assumption. I KNOW that with some decent moneys worth of modificiations any car can be made fast(er) and I do not have the attitude that I could race and beat everyone in a BMW. I am Not saying that all "ricers" do have that attitude, but then again, are they ricers if they dont have the attitude?
If you have ever seen those "Ricer BS week" videos, they are a very very VERY good example of why I do not like ricers. If you have not seen them, I will show them to you (i have them on my website, but not with public access so email me if you want them).
You also have to remember BMW's and the cars ricers use are really different. Most bmw enthusiasts want the power, feel, and the luxury that comes with a bmw. A civic just does not have that. I think the people who "ricers" should be attacking are cars that they try to beat all the time, like the comaro and firebird owners (just an example) becuase they have the same "my car is the fastest in the world" attitude as do most ricers. If you have ever seen our old forum, you would see that most of us here appreciate the stock appearance which is what differs us from ricers. Just a simple opinion and way of seeing how stuff is. Most people here attack the people who put wings on their BMW's.
Please notice i am not trying to make fun of ricers or anything, I am just stating how I see and think about most ricers. Could you post some pictures of your car? I dont think people will flame you becuase You werent as much of a jerk as the 'stereotypical ricer.'
If you check this thread again then cool, sorry my reply was so long
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