What would you do / intro to myself

New York
Well first ill start off by introducing myself, Im a young gun considering my car is only 2 years younger than I am, after working for as many years I legally can and then some, I managed to get myself a 1990 325ix when i finally got my liscence, I had to get one with an air bag (parents) and all wheel drive being that I live up north in the snow and hardly expereinced enough as a driver to handle a rear wheel drive in the snow. I figured why start my driving career with a riced honda[bmwkick] like most kids my age, but rather start off with a REAL CAR. My father owns a 2001 5 series I beleive, and isnt exactly one of those car mechanic savy people so im more or less on my own on my car (but im a smart kid).

Unfortunatley my car is a Automatic (its heart breaking isnt it) [:(]

What would you do first to my car-
Well ive got a basically stock E30 BMW and about $500 I could spend on it, The suspension is fine mostly new and so is the muffler, im not looking for any body work at the moment, would a chip be the first best step?

suggestion suggestions please [pray] all mighty BMW veterans

(the car was like that when i took the picture)
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Paderborn, Germany
intake....chip....maybe rims? some nice 17 inch big ones? don´t know whether you can get them for the bucks but it´s an idea.

how important is music for you? grab a nice radio and throw some music into it.

well, as you are abeginner, another pretty good use for the money would be a driver training. get on a racecourse or training facility and get taught by a professional instructor what to do. experience how your car reacts getting close to the limit and over it. that would possibly be a sweet idea!

nice car btw and pretty good start actually. that will impress you for the rest of your life i hope [thumb]
Seattle Area
Welcome to the board! Congrats on your first bimmer. You will be hooked for life now. I would go for a nice intake or chip just as codex has stated. You can't go wrong. wadula's suggestion of a driver course is a great idea. Good luck with what every you do and be safe...
New York
first of all its got a new cd player in that the pervious owner had (its crap it skips with every bump and is uggglly, nut it gets the job done)

I know about what a chip will do but how much would the intake boost my car in horespower and what would that end up costing

Unfortunatley where I live I cant think of one raceway within 100 miles that inst dirt or go-kart (we are all hicks in Upstate New York) so I dont plan on racing my car but man would I love to take a driving course
N.E. Ohio
the intake and chip are not going to be real huge hp gains. . . but . . it's a good start and the intake will sound bad a$$ ! ! !

I agree with everybody . . intake and then chip.

Nice bimmer ! ! !
Bay Of Islands, NZ
Intake is pretty cheap. Both intake and chip together are good places to start even though overall gains are small. you need to get the basics right. After that look at custom exhaust headers.

Any more than that and you are starting to look at big dollars and not really worth it in my opinion. Do the basics, and then save up for a newer model with more HP built in (say an e36 with the m50 engine).

I like the factory basket weaves, but up to you regarding that as it is a taste thing.

Driving a bimmer is all about the driving experience, and you will find that even relatively stock, you'll have heaps of fun driving her. Who cares if someone in a honda can smoke you at the lights, be comfortable in the knowledge that you are driving a superior automobile.
New York
I've heard that an intake has very little effect on an E30 (but again i know very little) and my headers do look like hell so im going to go for a chip first and then probably headers if i can but I am probably going to wait a while to save some more cash up before another spending spree.

I also have another general car question.

Ive noticed 2 or 3 locations on the car with minor rust mainly along the trunk of the car. no spot is longer than say a centimeter. would the best way to fix these up be to sand it down and throw some touch up paint on it or should i go for further rust treatment. and no a new paint job isn't an option [rolleyes]
N.E. Ohio
hatchman088 said:
I also have another general car question.

Ive noticed 2 or 3 locations on the car with minor rust mainly along the trunk of the car. no spot is longer than say a centimeter. would the best way to fix these up be to sand it down and throw some touch up paint on it or should i go for further rust treatment. and no a new paint job isn't an option [rolleyes]

I would just sand and paint . . . but check it every once and a while. It's small.
