CASDM9901 said:
question for someone who knows. i own a 98 323 and i was wondering what type of oil is the best to use. i know what climate you live in makes a difference.....i live in south carolina. i have heard synthetic is best but i dont know #'s or best brands...thanks for any help!!!!
If the car has been running synthetic since it was new then this is a no-brainer, stick with BMW synthetic available at the dealership if you change it yourself (it is about the same price as Mobil1 and most of the others) or if you bring it to someone (other than BMW) insist on a good quality synthetic.
If the car has been running dino, my experience is that switching to synthetic is good for the engine But beware of some consequences if the car has excessive miles (>100K??) and has been running dino for a long time.
If it has been running dino, the synth will clean out all the sludge and gunk from your engine parts left by the dino. That is why in older engines switching to synth can sometimes cause oil leaks around seals and gaskets. As the gunk is cleaned out, sometimes that gunk is plugging some potential leak points. Cleaning it out causes leaks. If this happens you should then just have the faulty seals replaced anyway, at least you'll know exactly where the leaks are.
Then running the synth will be just like as if you had been running it all along and you will get all the benefits of synthetic.
One more thing, it takes around 2 synth oil changes to flush all the gunk out of a gunked up motor.
Hope this helps.