Pulled the trigger/Euro Delivery

Northern VA
Just ordered my 325xi on Euro Delivery. [:D] I'm waiting to hear back if they accept my pick up date.

Can anyone share information as to what BMW does regarding getting you on the flight and helping to book accomodations? We have other plans than the expensive packages Conde Nast puts together. Looking forward to the Autobahn in 3 months....
Congrats! [thumb] You WILL love it! I was there in April of 2003.

What does BMW to help you with flights and accomodations? Very little - that's ENTIRELY up to you. When they accept your requested date, you will receive a special ED Welcome Package directly from BMW NA. In the package will be a confirmation letter, and other paperwork that describes the process and who is responsible for what. They include some suggested hotels, directions to the ED Center, maps, etc. Beyond that you are on your own unless you choose the expensive Conde Nast packages.

Here's a checklist and suggestions:
1. Passports - you must provide your dealer with photocopies of your passports about 4 weeks ahead of time. He will fax them to the ED Center, and they will use them to verify that you are the rightful owner when you arrive at the ED Center.

2. Airfare - A number of airlines fly to Munich direct or through Frankfurt. Shop around unless you have a favorite airline. In my experience, Lufthansa and United have good fares and service. You will almost be guaranteed to fly overnight, arriving at 8 - 9 AM German time which will be 3 AM to your body. I have found that the trick is to try to sleep on the plane, and stay awake when you arrive. Force your body to think's its the next day, tour Munich via the subway, take a short nap in the afternoon only if you need it. Then go to bed on German time, and the next day you feel pretty good. If you do that on a Saturday or Sunday, you can chill a bit before driving your new car and being too tired, as I think I recall pickups are only Mon - Fri.

3. Hotels - Tons of hotels, American or European. The Holiday Inn North is conveniently close to the ED Center and the subway (3 - 4 blocks), about Euro 40 taxi ride from the airport. If you book on the Internet their rate was only around Euro 80 a night. They also have underground secured parking, so if you tour Munich a few days, your car is not a worry.

If you have more questions, just ask. I can ramble on about ED until you fall asleep.....[:D]
Northern VA
Kirby said:
Congrats! [thumb] You WILL love it! I was there in April of 2003.

What does BMW to help you with flights and accomodations? Very little - that's ENTIRELY up to you. When they accept your requested date, you will receive a special ED Welcome Package directly from BMW NA. In the package will be a confirmation letter, and other paperwork that describes the process and who is responsible for what. They include some suggested hotels, directions to the ED Center, maps, etc. Beyond that you are on your own unless you choose the expensive Conde Nast packages.


If you have more questions, just ask. I can ramble on about ED until you fall asleep.....[:D]
The dealer accepted my offer today, but I have yet to sign anything. I'm trying to go in May. I have tix "on hold" with Lufthansa, but the dealer said they handle all that - I thiink the sales guy is wrong so I held onto the reservations until Monday.

Lufthansa said they only have certain days you can fly on this BMW deal. So I'm getting antsy.

Were they able to get the date you wanted? I'm 3 months on the nose on Monday. Was it tough to get a decent hotel with a place to park?

(My other choice was a Volvo - Euro Deliv - they handle (and pay for) the flight and 1 night in Gothenberg. I would have to say it's less stressful!!!
My plan actually started out with Volvo ED. But after I drove the 330 convertible and compared it to the Volvo C70 convertible, well, there was NO comparision. BMW hands down.

I was unaware of any link between BMW and Lufthansa for air travel. It sounds like they give you a special deal? Please elaborate.

I had no problem getting my date in April, but the tourist season cranks up in May and I hear they fill up all of the available slots. I am guessing that 3 months advance notice should get you a slot.

The Holiday Inn I mentioned in the post above has secure underground parking. I felt VERY comfortable leaving the car there. It was about Euro 20 a day to park, but it was worth it.

Have you been to Europe / Germany before?
Northern VA
I didn't get to make all of the decision on the car, if you know what I mean. [;)]

I had originally ruled out the BMW as too small inside and planned on an S60 with all the trimming (except touring package). We were bored and near a Volvo dealer and drove it one last time...my wife thought it was too small inside compared to the S70 we currently have. So we looked at the 325xi and she liked it and thought it was big enough inside. [:0]

Anyhow, that's a bit off track. The sales guy told me that they have a 2 for 1 deal with Lufthansa. It ain't cheap! $1138 for the pair.

If it all goes according to plan, we will arrive on a Friday morning and spend a couple of days in Munich. Monday pick up the car. We will begin a loop to Switzerland through Stuttgart (Porsche museum!!) and Austria.

I was to Scandanavia last summer so I'm excited about travelling again. Had I not done that, I might be a bit more apprehensive about going overseas to pick up a car.
Henderson, NV
"The E/D process..."

[wave] 04_Euro_Delivery

I've mentioned this before so I hope other Board members won't find this redundant...

If you go to edmunds.com and get into their discussion room on 'BMW Euro Delivery',
you won't have to ask another question again...[thumb]

It's ALL BMW owners who have 'been there ~ done that' concerning the E/D process.

The posts will explain where to stay, how the 'step-by-step' delivery will proceed at the
factory in Munich and where to go once you have your new car and how fast you can/should go on the Autobahn...

Any questions on how to get into the Edmunds site feel free to submit a post. I'll be back later. [:D]
