I have been enjoying this site. You guys do a nice job providing info. I currently have an 1998 A4 1.8 Quattro and will be buying in the near future. I am looking at a new 1.8 or a new 325XI. My wife definitely wants AWD so that is not a question. I have driven a 325XI automatic but definitely want a manual. I am waiting for a call from the dealer that a manual is available to drive. I have also been looking at posts comparing the Audi to the BMW on this site, and the Audiworld forum. Of course both have their own opinions. From what I have read here is a summary.
AWD system - Audi
Steering and Suspension - BMW
Engine - BMW
Manual Transmission - BMW
Driveability - BMW
Interior Features - Audi
Trunk and interior space (yes a consideration) - Audi
Price - Audi
Reliability - Tie (according to most sources)
Status - I DON'T CARE
Does anyone care to comment. Thanks
AWD system - Audi
Steering and Suspension - BMW
Engine - BMW
Manual Transmission - BMW
Driveability - BMW
Interior Features - Audi
Trunk and interior space (yes a consideration) - Audi
Price - Audi
Reliability - Tie (according to most sources)
Status - I DON'T CARE
Does anyone care to comment. Thanks