'style' or 'replica' rims are not good, for many reasons (not just BMW, but any sort of wheel that labels itself so):
1. they generally weigh much more than the real wheels they are copying.
2. generally they are not 'quite' the same look as the one they are mocking.
3. not durable as OEM's - not made of same material or in the same fashion.
The 1st and 3rd points are really important if you are ever going to do autox/tracking in your car. That said, decent replicas can be gotten that will be fine and last you probably as long as OEM ones.
That said, other brands other than BMW are very much fine, and even preferred (especially for lightweight wheels). Just make sure their wheels fit your car - know your offset.
Personally I wish I could afford a wheel set like what Nick runs on his car. Nick is a local BMW fan here in Atlanta, and an award winner from various car events.
Check this out: (oh and hey that's VANCE behind the trunk!)
The first point is the most important IMHO. If you go with heavier wheels then your car is spec'ed for, then that's unsprung weight you're having to turn, which really will only impact your launches, but if you're in the know, you would notice the 'lurch' on launch. 17's are usually fine, weight problems (imho) with wheels generally start when you look at 18's, and bigger. But, heavy 17" replicas that weight more than good (and lighter) OEM 18's are an option..